Monday, July 24, 2017

surprise in the garden over the weekend

Do you all see it ? yes my first ever
red sunflower . I have never seen one and it must be the only one that sprouted that is so awesome to me and I will be sure to save the seeds so that I have more red sunflowers in the future . God in all his greatness can always give us a surprise if we look hard enough . and if that is not enough I saw the first one hummingbird of the season enjoying my flowers . I don't have a  hummingbird feeder here except for the flowers so I'm not sure where he came from but he was a big hummer . oh well folks that is it for now get out and grow .

Thursday, July 20, 2017

favorite bible verses

what a lovely this is . I absoloutly enjoyed reading a lot of bible verses that I had never heard of before . This was cleaverly put together as each verse has an introduction and how it can be applied to everyday life and I absoloutly love that indeed . I'm sorry spelling police I'm old or I feel that way rather . Please be gentle about my spelling thank you . do yourself a favor and get a copy of this . it is an amazing piece of work .

Thursday, July 13, 2017

some more photos of my gardens

these are some pictures of my flower /rose gardens . you will also notice zinnias and sunflowers . pay special attention to the monarch butterfly with his yellow dots on his wings along with a silky black color . I enjoy this time of year because the butterflys really come out along with the bees . The bees really like sunflowers a lot . I would like to think that I am contributing to the bee and butterfly population . I think it is important to make sure that the bees and butterflies continue on this earth . for one without bees we would have no food because bees pollinate our flower and vegetable plants . I find that if you don't swat at bees they tend to leave you alone as well so please teach your kids and grandkids not to swat at bees and most likely they will never be stung in their lifetime . enjoy the photos folks ,

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Storms amd lighting

we had some bodacious storms here Friday night and they skies opened up with tons of rain I tried to get a photo of the lighting but mother nature would not co operate and give me one so these horrific looking clouds were all I got . Oh well guess that is what you get for wanting to capture lighting on film so bad ....