Monday, March 29, 2010

Hey kids good news

Yes that is right hubby has found a store and we are waiting to hear on the apt and will hopefully know later on if we have the go ahead on the apt . Im so excited and yes we are leaving if everything is a go on Wed april 7th . Im so glad we are going to leave florida before the inferno (summer) begins !! a new place , a new begining and for my hubby it is returning home . Im so blessed and grateful that this has happened and of course it is because of all the prayers said by you my fellow readers . I hope to hear by this evening and I will come back and let everyone know .


  1. Hooray!! I hope it all works out for you!

  2. YAY!! So happy for you both.

  3. i just asked what day you were moving in another post, but now i see it's the day after my bday! ;)
