Sunday, July 11, 2010

Food poisoning has hit my household

Well we were supossed to go fishing this am but my hubby and I got hit with food poisoning this morning and I am just now feeling better after a struggle with the porcelin king and the all mighty pink liquid gold called pepto- bismol . we both ate sandwiches yesterday and about 12 hrs later bada bing bada bang it hit us . Hubby has been up all night so he is sleeping all day today and I have just gotten over it about mid day . Thank god Im over it and I hope that the d does not decide to strike up on me as well . Of course my bgs have been all over the place with the food poisoning . So needless to say I have had a strugle all day today .well my friends be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .


  1. Oh no! I am so sorry you've had such a rough time! Food poisoning stinks. I had it once and oh, my word. I thought I'd have to go to the ER.....

    Anyway....I'm glad you're feeling better and hope your BS corporates.

    Tip of the Day: Stay away from that sandwich shop! : )

  2. Hope you both get feeling better soon!

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better!

  4. Goodness....glad you're feeling poisoning sucks. And D on top of it....ick. Hang in there and rest up!
