Saturday, June 20, 2015

Some quotes for the day for you

Don't say "Someday I'll begin
when my lucky ship comes in ,
You must launch your ship to
Right now is the answer then
Ferdinand Vollander

Good , Better , Best
Never rest ,
Till good be better and better best .
Mother Goose

One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things
Henry Miller

Courage is grace under pressure
Ernest Hemingway

He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure
James Lane Allen

It may be who do most , dream most
Stephen Leacock

Man is what he believes
Anton Chekhov

I hope these leave you with some thought to mull over for the day .


  1. Excellent. I love quotes. I adore the Mother Goose quote. :)

  2. I particularly like the Henry Miller quote. I'm a collector of quotes, so thanks for adding to my collection.
