Monday, August 21, 2017

Who is your favorite author ?

Are you ever asked that question ? Who is your favorite author ? well seeing as how I'm a reviewer of books I don't seem to have a favorite but do have a list of some of my favorites . Is it the style in which they write or is it the charecters they create and do we conjour up an image of what those said charecters should look like in our minds view ? and are we disappointed when the illustrator has drawn them totally different from our minds eye ? I think the reason I'm asking these is because I was asked by a pen pal who wanted to know who my favorite author was . I instead sent her a list of some of my favorites . Can you even single it down to maybe 2-3 or are you one of those lucky few that can say one is your all time favorite author and if so do you know why they are your favorite ? I would love to have some of you readers tell me why and who your fave authors are ? I'm currently reviewing John Boyne s "The Hearts invisible furies " and by the way John Boyne is an irish author and he wrote " the boy in the striped pajamas " and he is certainly on my list of favorites indeed and if you have not read anything by him I certainly would encourage you to do so . Well I shall close here for today . Come back later for more .

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