Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reading Matierial

thanks to my book swapping site I am going to have plenty of reading matierial for at least three wks , I have never read any of kathleen kittle was authored the first book you see pictured here as The Kindness of Strangers . When I get through reading it I will do a review on it as I intend to do with all my books . I heard someone say just the other day that Jodi picoult was depressing I find that to be so not true . She writes from the heart and if someone finds that depressing then so be it . I however would prefer an author to write from the heart rather than never expierience it for themselves . however some of the books I have read I would have rather not expierienced it . If any of you have any picoult sitting around that you dont want to read or would rather not read than by all means pass my way and I will give you a booklist of what I have and will gladly trade . I also enjoy alexander mccall , and several different authors . I like to mix it up a little bit . The only thing I wont read is books about medical examiners and the dark gothic horror series . None of that for me . We have enough bad in the world I dont want to read about it in books .I dont like war books either I figure war is present enough as well . Oh well kids that is all for today be carefull and remember to wash your hands and be carefull out there among them english and for a certain reader : Negative Ghost Rider :) !!!


  1. I've heard Jodi Picoult was good...never read her stuff. I'll have to check her out.
    Just gettting caught up on my blogs...hope that migraine went away!! I had one this week that lasted two didn't get so severe that I was in bed (like they usually do) but bad enough that I got nothing done. I hope you feel better!

  2. Oh I love Jodi Picoult! I just finished "The Pact." Have you read that one yet? I like that she presents 2 sides to the story or problem but doesn't really give you one way to think. She leaves it open to interpretation. Very good author! I love to read as well!

  3. If I am lucky enough to keep working until I retire,and my Mom stays well....then, I want you to share the book sharing site. only contact with the ouside world is the few blogs that I keep up with. :) WOE, TO NO DOWN TIME.

  4. You know I love the quote :)

    I have something for you on my blog :)

    Sammye Jo :)

  5. I have BOOKS! I will email you with a list. I'm not a huge fan of Picoult but have read a couple that I really enjoyed. Big Hugs. Thanks for being my one true visitor! :D

  6. I'm like you, I don't like anything gory! And that includes TV! No CSI for me!
