Saturday, December 19, 2009

again another good day

well another good day today after a stressfull night of coughing . I was coughing up untill about 10 pm and then fell off to sleep untill about 3 am and then the course of coughing started up again and then fell off to sleep again and woke up at 9 am and headed to the post office and what a trial that was . I stood in line at the counter for one hour and I keep forgetting that it is christmas time and the post is always busy then . More so than other times . Oh well we will talk soon everyone . I hope you all are getting my christmas cards okay and i want to make sure I get everyone . Oh well talk to you all soon . Much love . Be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .


  1. It's true. The PO is a very scary place right now. I'm tempted to send my gifts out after the holiday. They'll be late at this point anyway. :D Hope that cough clears up.
    Take care!

  2. You know this coughing thing grabs ahold and hangs on. I hope you can rest up enough to get rid of it. I was at the post office Mon., Tues., Wed. and Friday of this week. All of the posts were staffed and people were chilling, no one was cranky. whew! I had items ordered from my Etsy shop to mail and my last packages to soldiers to get out. I'm done! I haven't sent out all the cards I need to but, heck, whenever they arrive people will like getting them! Feel better! from chilly, snowy RVA

  3. Just thought I would pop in and say hi! Sorry it has been so long!!! I hope you have a very BLESSED and VERY Merry Christmas!
