Sunday, December 20, 2009

I m sorry there are no christmas programs here

well for the life of me I dont know why there are not more christmas programs here for kids here since the weather is warm and the kids can go out in it . But however alas there are none . I wish there were . Oh well did not have much to say tonight as you can see . well much love everyone and am so enjoying reading christmas cards most especially shamae s when she profusely apologized for having her husbands face cut off in the christmas cards LOL !!! which gave me an awesome laugh . Oh well hope to be back to my normal self soon much love to all and a good night . Be carefull out there and negative ghost rider . also for all of you who are dealing with snow and more snow please be careful we want you on the christmas card list again next year , but seriously folks take care and untill next time .


  1. ((HUGS)) I'm happy you're feeling better! My cards are going out tomorrow...I HOPE!!!!!!

    PS -- I love your playlist :)
