Monday, January 4, 2010

Im tired

Im tired of testing my blood 6- 10 times a day , Im tired of carb counting and what else am I tired of ? frankly im tired of the big d rearing its ugly head when you dont feel like dealing with it and of course you must deal with it so it does not kill you .Im tired of getting the shakes when low and being looked at like your a freak you know what im talking about . Im tired of it making me crazy everytime I turn around . Im tired of trying to stuff food down my throat to treat a low and then being high because I stuffed too much . Oh hell Im just tired period . Tired of diabetes and I want a cure . I want to be able to leave my house without a meter , a vial of insulin and syringes and the whole kit and kaboodle that we as diabetics have to carry with us when we leave the house . Im just plain tired . Be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .


  1. I'm tired of it too! Sorry you're having a rough day.

  2. I don't know what you're going through but I know it must be SO difficult. I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this. I hope there is a cure and soon.

  3. Hang in there.. you are not alone.

  4. Amen. We are all tired my friend.

  5. Yes, yes- we are all tired. I hear you!

  6. I hear you...and I'm with you....ALL the way! hang in there sweetheart!

  7. Know the feeling! Hang in there.

  8. I share your feelings as well for my girls and my husband. There are nearly 30 finger pricks in my house on a daily basis. I wish a cure would come yesterday!!
