Monday, June 21, 2010

I have a wonderful herb and it works for no headaches

I know alot of us have migraines and I thought i would share this wonderful herb with all since someone shared it with me . It is called feverfew and it works like a charm I used to have migraines on a regular basis and now guess what after a month not one head ache much less a migraine and no migraines at all either . I m so relieved omg i wish I had known about this years ago and it would have made life so much easier on me . I hope those of you who suffer will give this a try . It is euphoria . Well as I always say be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .


  1. I've heard of feverfew , but was always skeptical because I never knew anyone who took it!!! I think I'll have to give it a try!! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this...I don't usually suffer from headaches much but I have a family member who gets terrible migranes!

    I will definately pass this tip along to them :)

  3. My best friend has terrible migraines....I will share with her! : )

  4. Where does one get feverfew? I think I get migraines. Or are they sinus headaches?!
