Friday, June 25, 2010

I think this will be a busy weekend !!

Im going to the vet saturday and let them look at the little girl anyway just to make sure all is okay . Yes ,yes I am a worry wort . LOL !! I am reading a wonderful book called when madeline was young by jane hamilton . If you have never read any of her books i urge to do so . I think they are thought provoking and really good . I have several authors I like and several I dont but that is me . Im still working on a name for mims little pockets that she creates. Some people floor me with their creativity and I just am in awe of those people . me who does not have a creative bone in their body just stands in awe .The closest I come to creativity is making my own envies (envelopes ) out of magazine pages . so this weekend I have some books to mail and some grocery shopping to do and you name it , I probably have to do it this weekend oh well have a wonderful day and as always be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .


  1. hope you have a wonderful weekend

  2. Hope your little one gets a good report. Christopher's dad had a cat one time with D and he said it was like taking care of Chris. Ha. OH, yes Amanda and her sis are having issues with this wedding. It's very sudden and they are just dealing with divorce. :(

  3. I'm glad you're going to the vet. It's worth it for the peace of mind.

    I hope you have a good and productive weekend!
