Wednesday, January 2, 2013

So glad things are back to normal

I for one am glad all the holidays are over and im back to normal as well . well I hope that we have many more sunny days this week because I planted some tomatoe seeds in my terrariums today and I hoping that will give them a headstart . So maybe I should say a prayer over them . My dill seeds is coming up left and right and in my opinion nothing will liven up a dish better than fresh herbs . Im really tired so if I dont make any sense then please excuse and feel free to delete the ramblings of a tired old woman . I have also been up all this week at around 630 and ugh I hate it being up so early . well just let me say Im so glad I have all my friends and family still around and none of them are in the hospital or sickly . Here is to many more post in this lovely new year of 2013 .

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