As some of you might know I have bouts with arthritis and this hermatite magnetic bracelet has done wonders for me along with lots and lots of prayer. I have been meaning to post this since I got it . I purchased it off amazon and so far so good . It has small pictures of saints and our Lord and savior but the company has others that don't as well . I am very spiritual and do believe in the power of prayer and God and if that offends you then I'm sorry but this is my blog and my rules . You know the old saying "my house , my rules " don't like them too bad LOL . But seriously folks I have never felt the pain relief from anything like I have this bracelet and it does wonders. If you would like to order one or however many then get in contact with me and I will point you in the right direction . I have done quite a bit of research on the benefits of hermatite magnetic stuff and you can google it and find out for yourself . Oh well I'm through running my mouth now have an awesome day and a super good week and behave out there .
My grandmother wore a copper bracelet for rheumatoid arthritis. I hope you find relief with your bracelet. Be well.