Saturday, February 27, 2010
Im happy to say I am ahead on my letter writing
well thanks to jen over at indie fixx I am way ahead of my writing letter for the year I am good for the next thriteen days . I know for those of you giggling and saying this girl has no life you are right . LOL !! I guess you could call me a letter writing fool and you would be right but I also like alot of other things . I am in a book reading rut right now and I am still trying to get through the book that I blogged about a while ago called cane river . You can only read so much of it and then you have to put it down or things start running together . Im sure some of you that like to read know what I am talking about . well I am also happy to report that the hubby is getting well again and I have not gotten it so far so keep the fingers crossed and the prayers coming cause it is working very well .Well I guess that is enough for now and be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Im sorry to say that the husband is sick again !!
It never fails he comes home and he is always sick and has been the sickest since working at this place and it has got me to thinking if he has sick building illness . This place where he works is horibly filthy and one would think that when your business is dirty no one wants to carry anything home from there . My hubby carrys stuff home , germs and gets me sick which I in return carry on to someone else . It is a vicious cycle and after being so sick a meer few wks ago and taking two rounds of anti biotics Im not real anxious to get another illness besides the fact that we cannot afford it . I swear when is this vicious cycle going to end ? I tell you I am beside myself with all of the crap we have been going through . Im done do you hear me ? Im done with all of it !!! Be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Okay my what an expierience I have had this am
Oh my what an expierience I have had on the phone this morning . well it all started when I found a staple in my blister packet of my immitrex which I take for my migraines .So thinking I was doing the right thing by reporting this to Glaxo smith kline who makes immitrex . Well their customer service rep let me know that they cannot send the meds back to me they have to instead send them to the clinic I go to . well the thing with this clinic is that they will deny ever receiving the meds from the company and I know because they have done this to me before . So when I explained this to the rep she said she was sorry but that was all they could do . But yet they want to send fed ex out here to take the pkg of meds away from me and I would have to wait five days for them to send it to the clinic . I told them no thank you and I will never ever again use a smith glaxo kline product again I will instead ask my dr to prescribe zomig from now on . also they could never get the clinic on the phone so if they cannot even answer their phone or return a phone call how in the hell do they expect them to keep up with a certain individuals meds ? This clinic has no leadership at all and once I move to Ohio I will have a job and I will get health insurance no matter the cost I dont care . I wish I had another option here but I dont . well any way enough of my venting , be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Pen Pal Project
There is a pen pal project going on over at jens blog indie fixx .com . If you like the idea of having some pen pals and the idea did provoke me and I have had over a dozen responses and In the last two days I have sent out ten letters now let us see who stays in touch . Just give it a try and a glance what can it hurt ? Well just would like to blog about it and see where it goes . This might end up being a project in and of itself on my blog .Oh well folks just thought I would like for someone to hop over there and take a look . Be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Friday, February 19, 2010
Really trying to keep myself busy

Well if you have been reading my previous blogs you know this week has not been easy or peaceful. That being said I have been trying to keep myself busy and these are the things that are keeping me busy . I love to read as you know and bought some books this week at the goodwill and you all know that I love the goodwill as well .well the following was a project and the other was a book I am finding fascinating . Here goes :
The bag is red and it is a market bag i styled it and crocheted it myself . I think I did a good job .
I am reading this book called cane rive by lalita tandemy and so far so good I really like the book .
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Okay here goes the get to know me list
1.Yes I have a terminator personality and it does show at times but I can assure you only when needed does it get applied .
2. I was a strict mother and my kids have never been in jail or trouble of any kind .
3. I also like to make ppl feel better and laugh .
4. I was the class clown in mythology class much to Mrs . Willams dissapointment .
5. I hate to loose at scrabble .
6. I love italian food but cant hack pizza
7. I love to read am totally the book worm
8. I wont drive a stick shift car too much trouble and aggitation
9. No one drives fast enough for me .
10 . I dislike ppl who pass a school bus when the flags are out
11. i just hate ppl who are rude and dont have empathy or compassion for other ppl .
12. I am a catholic and have worshiped in different churches at different paths in my life
13. I have always hated clowns
14. I dislike ppl who think that they are better than anyone else have they ever heard but for the grace of god go I ?
15. I once had a co worker tell me that all homeless ppl are homeless because they want to be I wanted to kick her in the bread basket so badly
16. I believe in donating to the good will , if I cant use it someone else can
17. I dont like the colors of orange and purple
18 . My signature color is magenta not red like alot of ppl say , no magenta it is a much deeper shade of red.
19. I dye the color of my hair when ever it suits me .
20.I have read one hundred books last yr this yr I intend to read one hundred and fifty yeah !!!
Okay there you have it and I hope I entertained you as well .
2. I was a strict mother and my kids have never been in jail or trouble of any kind .
3. I also like to make ppl feel better and laugh .
4. I was the class clown in mythology class much to Mrs . Willams dissapointment .
5. I hate to loose at scrabble .
6. I love italian food but cant hack pizza
7. I love to read am totally the book worm
8. I wont drive a stick shift car too much trouble and aggitation
9. No one drives fast enough for me .
10 . I dislike ppl who pass a school bus when the flags are out
11. i just hate ppl who are rude and dont have empathy or compassion for other ppl .
12. I am a catholic and have worshiped in different churches at different paths in my life
13. I have always hated clowns
14. I dislike ppl who think that they are better than anyone else have they ever heard but for the grace of god go I ?
15. I once had a co worker tell me that all homeless ppl are homeless because they want to be I wanted to kick her in the bread basket so badly
16. I believe in donating to the good will , if I cant use it someone else can
17. I dont like the colors of orange and purple
18 . My signature color is magenta not red like alot of ppl say , no magenta it is a much deeper shade of red.
19. I dye the color of my hair when ever it suits me .
20.I have read one hundred books last yr this yr I intend to read one hundred and fifty yeah !!!
Okay there you have it and I hope I entertained you as well .
They have changed the date again !!!
Im really getting sick of my husbands work related issues and now to beat all they have changed the date again on us and frankly I told my husband it is going to get to the point that after all this stress I am going to really use sailor language on someone and they really wont like it . The stress these ppl are causing cause they dont know if they want to wind their watch or scratch their butt . I mean really these ppl are the worst and they have some ppl in charge that have no business being in charge . I am a firm believer in the fact that if you have kind caring considerate ppl in charge your business will flourish and you will have repeat customers . I think I and all of you out there know when we buy something major we remember the persons attitude who sold it to us , do we not ? I mean especially if that person is a snotty person you will remember that .
I am really just so pissed right now because they keep sitting on the pot and wondering if they want to wipe or not . LOL !! I guess Im getting to the point where i have really had it with ppl . Oh well be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
I am really just so pissed right now because they keep sitting on the pot and wondering if they want to wipe or not . LOL !! I guess Im getting to the point where i have really had it with ppl . Oh well be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Saturday, February 13, 2010
6 wks and counting
Im so excited I am six weeks out and counting down for my move . Im just so thrilled and excited . I wish i was closer but hey you cant have everything right ? I know you cant . Im just tickeled pink and some of you have known that I have been wanting to do this for quite some time so the big m day is approaching . I will wave at some of you while going through your state and some of you I will blow a kiss on the wind on the way up :) LOL !! Oh well just thought I would let everyone know . If it looks like it is going to be longer I will let everyone know so just keep writing and sending letters to the current addy and I will let you all know my new addy when I know it . Just keep your fingers crossed and prayers said .
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Okay well there has been much discussion and it has me thinking
I see alot of us discussing the insulin we use . the only think I find hard about my insulin is the fact that I have to inject fifteen mins before eating and that is not always convient when eating out . but i also read that you can inject after you eat . I find though that if I inject after I eat I dont quite get the absorption that I do when I inject before I eat ? Do any of you notice this as a trend with humalog ? if so please let me know cause this has been weighing on my mind for some time . Be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Friday, February 5, 2010
Oh my god did Oprah screw it up or what ?
I know this is a popular post here today . Okay so I watched for about ten mins and kept tuning in and out of it . I was so dissapointed in this show to say the least and after about ten mins with my head ready to explode and jumping up and down on the floor and screaming at the tv NO NO NO dr oz you really dont know what you are talking about !!! I was not born with this dreaded disease I was dxed at 16 and am now 49 and guess what Im still not blind , I have both my feet hands and toes !!! My heart is in excellent shape and I am not in the ground . according to dr oz I should be in the grave already . Im so peed Im sorry but it just some more addage for the insurance companys to use to exclude us or raise our insurance rates . And Oprah may I say I do expect the ignorance out of you but dr oz , you as a member of the medical community you have a responsibilty to stop perpetuating myths and stop the ignorance and you my sir added to it yesterday . Believe me if you were in front of me I would have some choice words for you my dear sir .I m sorry to be venting like this but is anyone in the d community as peed as I am about this ? I know joanne is upset as well over at death of a pancreas . I just wish someone in the medical community would speak like they have some sense . Im done with this and I dont worship at the altar of Oprah or dr oz . Be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My most recent fave author

Okay I think I have blogged about this guy before but I am going to do it again . His name is Chris Bohjalian and this is my find lately from him . It is titled "Skeletons at the feast ". It is an awesome book so far and look forward to getting more of his and reading them . Man I so enjoy his writing . If you can find one of his books pick it up and I can assure you , you wont be dissapointed . Oh wow I just realized I must sound like his publicist or his agent , really Im not I just love his books . I am looking forward to his newest one as well called " next to eden " . Oh well take care everyone and be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Okay I chimed in on the o show
Hi everyone , I did leave my comment on the oprah show website . I hope I did us proud . Please go take a look and let me know if I dropped the ball or hit the nail on the head . I was inspired by Nicole , our of our d mom crew . She also left a comment . I wanted to make a point also about how much ignorance and misconception we face everyday as being type 1 diabetics and how some ppl make think that we brought this disease on ourselves . I also wanted to make a point about how some tv shows in the past that Ms . Winfrey has done have not been of great importance . Oh well . Now I have changed my background again and find it only fitting since I am also a book nut , better known as a voracious reader . LOL !!! Well be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
since someone brought this up
Okay since someone brought this up I think I should talk about it . well the migraines when I have them kick my big ole d right on up there . talk about highs and I often think that the meds do interfere with each other or one is the cause of the other so to speak . Im waiting till they do a study of them and see . So then I can pipe up and say see I knew it . I knew it the whole time . Oh boy now I sound like a drama queen . No , not the diabetes this time just me being the drama queen . My hubby says he can always tell when I have one cause I get quiet. Well maybe i get quiet cause it hurts to hear my own voice . I guess having diabetes and another problem at the same time is just like anything else we manage what we have to and the rest can wait another day . LOL !!!! Well be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I need some prayers please
Hi everyone please pray for me cause I am headed to the dr tommorow to get my diabetic supplies and my migraine meds , I hope I can get them this time cause last time the clinic kept me waiting for five hours and never got seen . The dr got called away to an er emergency . Could nt they just have written my scripts and gotten it over with cause Im not getting any test because of the cost . Just if you can find it in your heart to say a little prayer for me , it would be most appreciated , I value you ladies so much . Be careful out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
Monday, February 1, 2010
Want to say a special shout out !!!
want to say a special hi to a new blog follower !! Her name is Wendy and she has two cute little man cubs and is dealing with what the rest of us are dealing with everyday the dreaded d monster . You can follow her blog over at life with the coopers . I think she is awesome . Stop over and say hello and let her know she is welcome to the d mom crew . Oh well take care everyone and be carefull out there among them english and negative ghost rider .
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