Saturday, September 19, 2009

The vet visit

Well the dog made it to the vet and he is now on anti biotics and he is in an e collar . So it is what it is and the poor dog makes you feel so bad for him but things should be better in a few days . Doggie dilemas are nothing out of the ordinary around here . Oh I also got my flu shot and it did cost quite a lot . thanks for reading and please let us all be carefull out there among them english .


  1. You never told me if you tried your local health department for your flu shot? I am sad for your dog, but happy he has you to care for him.

  2. My dog is very old, as I've mentioned, but still loving his walks. Your pup is sooo cute. I've been putting off getting the flu shot, haven't had one since the big scare of Swine flue many many years ago when we all hushed out to be innoculated. I had a bruised arm for a long time afterwards. Yikes. The Lysol smell alone would have made me ill in that yoga class. Good luck with the class. Never attracted to Yoga, myself.

  3. awwww! good thing he can't talk and ask for stuff!!! lol

  4. Just curious- are you having any side effects from the flu shot? The dr. told me that Jada wouldn't- but the next day she had a runny nose, a cough and froggy voice (all of those were side effects listed on the info sheet given to me) and they mysteriously disappeared 2 days later!

  5. Awww, poor thing! I always feel so bad for them when they have to wear that collar...

  6. Poor pooch. :( I've never gotten a flu shot. Weird, I know, but I figure if I get vaccinated for one strain, I'll just get another. LOL Myabe I'm wrong... Oh well. :)
